Call Us For A quote: 0452 500 992
Sewer Services
Pipeline contracting work closely with the water corporation laying sewer to the correct standards as well as undertaking work under AS3500. We also have the knowledge and ability to complete De-watering by the use of open pumping and spears.
Deep Sewer & Stormwater
We install deep sewer and stormwater using certified ground support systems and safety equipment.
Subsoil & Soakwells
As a contractor, we are able to carry out an array of install variations to meet our client's specifications. No install is beyond us and we endevour to always go the extra mile with service and professionalism.
Stormwater Piping
We cover a wide range of stormwater piping installations and have the ability and equipment to keep your project on schedule.
Stormwater Storage Cells
We design and fit out an arrangement of stormwater cells to meet the needs of our clients. We will complete the job safely and on time.
Shalow Service & Cable Laying
We install a variety of shallow services and only use the best quality materials to complete the work. We make sure that everything is considered in our installs. We cover deep and shalow installations and also have the ability to complete de-watering.
What we do
Pipeline Contracting is a piping contractor who works with all variants of pipe installations. As a new business in Perth, we collectively hold over 40 years in the industry and service all of Perth Metro and the surrounding areas. Give us a call and we would be more than welcome to have a chat about your project and our ability to assist in getting your pipes installed professionally and without hassle.